Back at the desk in earnest now though. I've found the hols really inspiring writing wise. Things are moving on nicely with the novel and I have completed a couple of shorts that have been hanging around looking impatiently at me for a while. I even managed to send off three flashes to the Biscuit competition, with which feat I was mighty pleased.
Also pleased after spending a couple of days of hols with my brother and his wife to discover that they are nothing like the brother and sister-in-law in my novel, phew what a relief, though I was going to have to change my name and deny my authorship to my family.
Talking of changing my name I am planning to make like a womble in the near future and go underground. Various reasons, mainly work related, but I think it will make sense. My name is seriously unique (my great grand-dad's teacher made up the spelling of our surname and everyone with that name is descended from him.) Anyway as soon as I can think up a decent pseudonym I will make the move (Cal has kindly given me the know how).
Got a nice parcel in the post from Leaf Books just before we went away:
Very nicely produced and with my story 'A Strong Hand' in it. There's something very lovely about being in print in a book with a glossy cover.
Still waiting to hear the results of the Fish Short Story competition of which I am on the short list. They have delayed the announcement until 'after Easter' Which I reckon to be about now.
I do think there's a lot to be said for anonymity in the blog world. If I didn't have my own I'd have moved by now.
Sounds as if you're well in the writing swing of things - yay!
The 'Leaf' book cover looks lovely; a fitting home for one of your stories. Where can we buy a copy?
Thanks Spiral. Copies of the book are available from Leaf Publishing. If you click on the pic of the book cover it will take you there. They have another Micro-fiction(300 words) comp running at the moment which is worth checking out.
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