Sunday, 20 April 2008

If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things

by Jon McGregor is wonderful. A fantastic example of keeping your reader guessing but tying everything up beautifully at the end so that you think 'but of course'. Gorgeous writing too - I found myself copying down some of his images in my notebook. I finished the last three chapters tonight while My Man was making tea - I just couldn't put it down. Definitely a recommended read.

My Man let me off my unhelpful-at-teatime behaviour because I am in recovery - from a weekend away with 20 children, only one of which was mine. I help run a local Woodcraft Folk group and we had a residential weekend at a camping barn. It was, to copy the thread of a popular meme, in six words - inspiring, heartwarming, energetic, exhausting, friend-making, cold. The 'cold' bit was particular noticeable in the middle of Friday night when my sleeping bag was proving inadequate

and the 'exhausting' hit when I got home and realised I only had to be concerned with the needs and energies of one child not twenty and suddenly felt my body collapse with the relief. I wasn't on my own with them all of course, there were five other adults there who were all fantastic and we had a really good time. The kids were amazing, as was the location, the food, the company and the campfire on Saturday night with the beautiful lanterns and apple crumble we had made that morning. And yes we did sing.

I think it's been good for my head having a weekend of no writing at all and very little reading (until teatime today). I'm really looking forward to hitting the novel again tomorrow - but tonight I'm settling for a warm bath, a glass of wine and catching up on Doctor Who.


CL Taylor said...

Oooh I've got that book. I've read the first couple of pages a couple of times then keep putting the book down and forgetting about it. Must take it on my forthcoming holiday and finish it!

Leigh Forbes said...

I reckon it only takes one extra child to make you realise how easy it is just looking after your own. But, twenty? (Even with help.) You have my eye-bulging admiration.

Karen said...

I enjoyed that book too :o)

Sounds like a wonderful (if tiring) weekend...rather you than me though! I bow down in admiration.

Kerry said...

Ah that sounds like a wonderful weekend. Maybe though, with double the apple crumble and half the children?...Or quarter? Yes, quarter the children and triple crumble, that sounds lovely!!