Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Flying penguins

This is gorgeous!
You will believe that penguins can fly


Happy April Fools!


Rose Red Art said...

That is too cute!

Karen said...

OMG, I saw this in the paper yesterday and can't believe I bloomin' well fell for it! I told people and everything. I feel such an idiot :( Everyone else seemed to believe it as well though (she says, desperately...)

Leigh Forbes said...

Shame they couldn't get David Attenborough to do it. Not because I don't think Terry Jones is fab, but because he has such a comedic face, he virtually gives the game away before it's even started! It was fantastic, wasn't it? I knew it was a spoof before I watched it, but husband was teetering on being convinced!

Jumbly Girl said...
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Happy Writer Girl said...

Dang! Because I'm not in the UK, I can't see what everyone is talking about! Wish I could, though! Sure It's really cute!

Jumbly Girl said...

Hi Rosqro thanks for dropping by. yes it was very cute, shame you missed it