Thank you Cally for this lovely award. Its really heart warming being part of such a generous and sharing writing community - ooh it makes me go all gushy. But seriously, thanks.
I am now supposed to pass this on to ten more bloggers. I have no trouble finding lots of excellent ones, only trouble is you have all already received it.
What is a girl to do? Nothing for it but to award it to you all again. So Cally (bit of a boomerang sorry) , Karen, Spiral Skies, Sally Q, Helen, A.Writer, Leigh, Sarah *G* and Moondreamer please all take another bow (and no tears this time please!). And to try and stay in the spirit of passing things on, an Excellent Bogger award for someone who as far as I know hasn't had one yet - Neil for his seamless interweaving of music and politics.
Thanks Sarah, I do indeed feel all gushy!
Thank you, thank you!
'Tis most kind. I would make a speech but the dog's looking at me. He needs, ahem, emptying...
Aw... thank you! Means a lot!
Thankyou Sarah - it's nice to have my greatness recognised ;)
Thank you, Sarah! What a treat!
Sarah, thank you!
You have started my Monday with a big smile!
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