Wednesday, 10 September 2008

I'm Addicted

To Caroline's Black Boxes widget. What a great way to travel blogland. I've ended up in some truly lovely places - fab.

I've added it on the right here - why not see where it takes you!


Karen said...

I brought me straight to you Jumbly Girl!! I must stop now though and do some writing!

Leigh Forbes said...

Another addictive widget from Caroline. I'm sure she means to keep us all out of the novel market, by ensuring that we never actually write anything.

Caroline said...

Widget brought me to you :)
I am addicted too, if that helps at all?

Perhaps we could form a addict's club!


Trixie said...

Oooo, I've just discovered it and it brought me here! What a cool widget!!!

Pat Posner said...

It brought me to you, Jumbly Girl. Could that be because we only live a few miles away from each other? I'm in Tod, you're in Heb, yes?

Jumbly Girl said...

Karen - yes get writing - whitoosh (sound of whip :o)) But glad it led you here

Leigh - aha a cunning plan!

Caroline - oh good, not a cunning plan then

Trixie - Hi, thanks for popping in (widgeting in???)

Pat - Could be! Didn't realise you were local, I'll have to watch what I say about the valley ;o)

HelenMWalters said...

That widget will take over the world!

trousers said...

The widget brought me here too :)

Trixie said...

Nah, I think we need to call it blackboxing it in! Oops... I've done it again!

charmcitygirl said...

Yes, I just found it and put it on my blog today and then as soon as I blogged about it, it disappeared into cyberspace.

trousers said...

...and it brought me here again :)

... said...

i stumbled across the black box on someone's blog and have been only playing for a half hour or so. hopefully i'll be able to stop when i want to. but like you said, i've visited some fab places, including here. just thought i'd say hi.

Jumbly Girl said...

Helen - let's hope so!

Trousers - it took me to you lots :o)

Trixie, charmcitygirl, diana - thanks for blackboxing by, do call again :o)