Wednesday, 10 September 2008


My widget has melted. It is now a black box (hmmm interesting)

Is this supposed to happen? Oh no I've just checked and everyone elses has melted too. I need my widget fix!

Bet it's the fault of that bloomin hadron collider. Never mind the end of the world - we have black holes on our blogs

Hope it comes back soon. Missing it already

Ten Minutes Later: Hurrah its back Hurrah. Let the procrastination continue til bedtime


Jumbly Girl said...

Hey I just got sent here from my own blog - I am just so compatible with myself!

HelenMWalters said...

The widget sent me here too!

Susan at Stony River said...

Mine blacked out too---and I also blamed the Collider!!
Glad to find you.

How'd you fit in that itty bitty black box??

Anonymous said...

Can't find the black box on your site - it's gone again!

Anyhoo, I arrived here from Maria's blog and am off to read a post about The Wurzels! It's been ages since I've read anything about the Wurzels.

Although...this comment might appear twice because I am having loads of fun with your comments!

Ken Duck Geraths said...

Here via black box

Unknown said...

I'm addicted to the black box widget, too, and I've procrastinated all night. Nice to find you.

Unknown said...

Mine had crashed to last night, I figured overusage! Anyhow I found you this morning with the cool box

Honeysuckle said...

You live in Hebden Bridge! - that's so exciting. Well, a bit anyway.
Sorry, am behind the times here. Just arrived and read through one or two old postings...When it featured in the Guardian, I fully expected to be able to spot my husband and son in what Buster always calls 'the lovely spot' - the bit where the pigeons gather and the flood waters rise above the steps. They seem to spend a huge part of their lives there.

CL Taylor said...

I think maybe Stray's server is melting because of the thousands of people playing with the widget at the same time :o)

Jumbly Girl said...

Helen, Susan, Willkay, Ken, Ashley Ladd, brit' girl sarah - thanks for popping by - glad to see the black box is fully functional again

honeysuckle - how cool, the second calder valley person to make contact. We love it down by the ducks too - in fact we spent a lot of time down there this weekend eating icecream, and it was indeed a lovely spot