Thursday, 6 September 2007

The Kitchen Table

Is my favourite place to write. It's sunny and well away from my computer where the time-wasting temptations of Spider Solitaire lurk. I'm convinced I will never be a published writer until I kick the SS habit. And I do need to kick the habit if I am going to meet my new deadline. I've just discovered the Times / Chicken House Children's fiction competition. They want a complete manuscript of up to 80,000 words by 17th November. Luckily I have one I made earlier, or at least started earlier. It's at the 'can still see the sticky tape and wording on the cereal box' stage." Still, it's only September, plenty of time to add the silver paint and the googly eyes (can you see what it is yet?)

Meanwhile, I have joined the ranks of thousands who did not win the Miss Write competition. I still have faith in my story though and will persevere with it. I've put in a lot of work on it since sending off my 3000 words in the heady optimistic days of May, and I am determined to see it through. (What she's going to try and write two novels at once I hear you cry! Yeah well now that I've given up Spider Solitaire I've got hours of spare time.)

Last word on Miss Write for now - I was half way up the Eiffel Tower last week when my mobile rang - by the time I found it at the bottom of my bag I had missed it- 'caller unknown' Did I miss my chance - was that 'the phone call'? Doubt it, as I am sure they would have tried again, still it did get my hopes up for a bit.


Sarah*G* said...

Thanks fro stopping by my blog. if you want one of those word counter things then you need to go to this website

and it is all explained there. You will need to add a HTML/JAVASCRIPT element to your side bar then paste the html code from the website into that. You will need to keep going back to update your word count and deleting the old code and replacing it with new one but it only takes a matter of minutes.

Jumbly Girl said...

Thanks Sarah

I've written nealry a quarter of my first draft! As I'm a glass half full kind of girl (or in this case a quarter full) I'm taking this as positive progress. Onwards to the halfway mark!