Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Out of Bed

Hurrah no more back pain posts - for now. On Saurday I decided I'd had enough of lying around and made my first attempts to hobble up and down the street. On my fourth attempt, accompanied by hubby and daughter, I made it to the rather splendid pub at the end. So chuffed by my progress that I had a large glass of wine despite the 'avoid alcohol' warning on my meds. Felt a bit stiff on Sunday but continued with hobbling and this time made it to the swimming baths. Felt just like the Little Mermaid, in agony on land but pain free and full of energy in the water.

So life pretty much back to normal now but at a slightly slower pace and accompanied by a walking stick (which hubby a bit perturbed by - think it ages me a bit!). All systems go now for camping trip to France starting tomorrow. So no more blogging for a couple of weeks but hopefully lots of writing in between the swimming, cycling and sightseeing.

Happy Summer everyone!


Karen said...

That's brilliant news, I'm so relieved for you! Have a wonderful trip and happy writing, cycling, swimming and sightseeing.

(Don't overdo it though :o))

Honeysuckle said...

Have a lovely time and take it easy.

Kath McGurl said...

Glad to hear you're up and about again, and hope you enjoy the camping trip!

Queenie said...

So glad you made it out of the house. Hope the camping trip is great fun and frees you up physically as well as in all the other ways.

Tuesday Kid said...

I take it you died in France?

Jumbly Girl said...

I've done it again! Written a blog post, enjoyed your comments and then failed to reply in kind. Sorry guys and thanks for all your good wishes. Holiday was fab and the swimming worked wonders.

Tuesday Kid - no didn't die, just resting